Assessment Policy
Quizzes will be given frequently, approximately every two weeks. Review sessions will take place in class.
Tests in Social Studies will be given twice a Topic only if there are many lessons.
Tests in Religion will be given weekly or every other week depending on what we get done.
Tests in Science will be given for Vocabulary and a full Topic test.
Quizzes will be given based on vocabulary and/or chapter sections. No study guide will be issued for quizzes.
Projects may be given. Instructions and/or rubrics will be handed out in advance.
Miscellaneous Information regarding Graded Work and Assessments
Points will be deducted on all tests/quizzes/graded homework assignments for incomplete headings. Missing or incomplete names up to -10 points, Missing date -3 points, Missing class -2 points. Students will be expected to include their number on all submitted documents as part of their heading. Numbers will be issued once all students have been registered and inputted into the class. No exceptions!
Students will be expected to write in cursive! Handwriting practice will take place weekly to assist students in mastering this skill.
As per the student handbook, the breakdown for grading is as follows:
Summative assessments 45%
Quizzes 25%
Classwork/Participation 20%
Homework 10%
Homework Policy
Written homework is given nightly except on Fridays. Homework is posted to Google Classroom. The time it takes to complete nightly homework assignments will depend on the ability level of each student as well as the complexity of the topic
Homework will be reviewed daily. Missing homework will be notated by the teacher. Three missing homework assignments will result in a phone call home and/or lunch detention.
Lateness Policy used for Homework and Projects
Ten (10) points will be deducted from a graded assignment for each day of lateness. After the third day of lateness, the student will receive a grade of 0.
Students who are absent will not be penalized. However, once the assignments have been given upon the student's return, failure to hand them in will result in point deductions. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE STUDENT TO GATHER ALL MISSED WORK FROM THE VARIOUS TEACHERS WHEN HE/SHE RETURNS FROM AN ABSENCE.
POINTS MAY ALSO BE DEDUCTED WHEN A STUDENT FAILS TO WRITE THEIR NAME ON GRADED ASSIGNMENTS AND ASSESSMENTS. Students are expected to take care when completing all assignments. Handwritten work must be neatly completed. Typed assignments should be free of spelling and grammatical errors.
Signed Paper Policy
Any graded papers, including classwork, homework, quizzes, tests, and projects, that receive a score lower than 80% must be signed and returned to the teacher the day after they are given back to the student. If the signed paper is not returned the next day, the student will receive recess detention. If the signed paper is not returned after two days, the student must call home during lunch to report the grade to a parent. Please do not hold on to these papers. Once the signed paper is noted by the teacher, it will be returned home for you to review.
Discipline Policy
The students are expected to follow class and school rules at all times. Failure to do so will result in lunch detention and/or a referral to the administration. Parents will be contacted regarding behavioral issues. Students and/or teachers will call to report any incidents that occur. Emails may be sent requesting a conference. Please refer to the online student handbook for the school discipline policy.
Please email me at [email protected] with any questions or concerns.
In Social Studies Grades 6-8 there will be vocabulary questions as well as recall questions. However please be aware that students will have to draw conclusions, make inferences, analyze content and document as well as predict consequences. When studying students should review highlighted material but be able to dig deeper into the content.